Civil Works

Working with the community

Community-ngka Tjungu Wakaringanyi

RASAC has a demonstrated history and capability in delivering civil works projects on the APY Lands. This includes working in and with the APY Lands communities, employing local workers and managing the projects in the challenging remote environment.

Below is a sample of civil works projects and contracts delivered by RASAC:

  • Repairs, reconstruction and maintenance to approximately 3,800kms of the unsealed roads network within the APY Lands 1993 to 2009
  • Civil works associated with housing construction and other infrastructure placement throughout the APY Lands 1993 to 2009
  • Periodic repairs and maintenance to all airstrips on the APY Lands 1993 to 2009
  • Reconstruction and re-sheet of the Umuwa airstrip in 2009/10
  • Resheet of the Mimili airstrip in 2010
  • Works on the Kenmore Park airstrip, including construction of a camel proof fence and road reconstruction detouring around the airstrip in 2009/10
  • Reconstruction and resheet of the Pipalyatjara airstrip in 2009
  • Reconstruction, resheet and bituminizing of the Fregon Airstrip in 2008/09
  • Construction of two Early Childhood Learning Centres (one each in Amata and Indulkana) in 2012
  • Construction of new refuse tips at Kalka (2014), Kenmore Park (2015) and Umuwa (2016)
  • Construction of new house in Mimili (2016)
  • Development of short term rental accommodation complex in Umuwa in 2014
  • Refurbishment of Kalka rental accommodation units in 2016
  • Construction of new Amata rental accommodation units in 2016
  • Three Turkey Nests (construction of two new and refurbishment of one) in 2017
  • Fencing at Fregon, Pukatja, Umuwa and Amata airstrips 2016


Contact Us

Administration Office
1st Floor, 9 Railway Terrace
(PO Box 2584)
Alice Springs NT 0870
Ph: (08) 8950 5400
Fax: (08) 8952 6371
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Workshop & Depot Operations
(Workshop - incl. Civil works enquiries and quotes)
Ph: (08) 8954 8180
Fax: (08) 8954 8150
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Umuwa & Kalka Rental Accommodation Enquiries & Quotes
Ph: (08) 8954 8139
Fax: (08) 8954 8150
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
